Bischofshofen (Austria)
Alternative names: Behofn, Bischofhofen, Bischofshofen, Bischofshogen, Bishofsgofen, Bishofskhofen, bi shao fu si huo fen, bishofusuhofen, bisyopeusyopen, Бишофсхофен, Бішофсгофен, بیشوفسهوفن, ビショフスホーフェン, 比紹夫斯霍芬, 비쇼프쇼펜
Current time in Bischofshofen (Austria)
2025-03-12 00:26:48
Timezone: Europe/Vienna, UTC/GMT +01:00
Local Clock Offset:
Random location in Bischofshofen
Random point in 30 km radius from center of the city
General info Bischofshofen
Country: Austria (AT)
Global region: Europe (EU)
Latitude: 47.416670
Longitude: 13.216670
Population: 7457
Currency in Bischofshofen
Currency name: Euro (EUR)
Currency international code: 978