Khulna (Bangladesh)

Alternative names: Khulna, Khulnâ, Kkhelna, Kkhulna, Kulna, Kulno, khulana, khwlna, ku er na shi, kulna, kuruna, Кулна, Кхелна, Кхулна, خولنا, کھلنا, खुलना, খুলনা, குல்னா, クルナ, 库尔纳市, 쿨나

Current time in Khulna (Bangladesh)

2025-03-07 05:26:54

Timezone: Asia/Dhaka, UTC/GMT +06:00

Local Clock Offset: Tomorrow, -6 Hours

Random location in Khulna

Random point in 3 km radius from center of the city

City center location
Random location
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Random location - Latitude: 22.793398622875433, Longitude: 89.5896432792536
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General info Khulna

Country: Bangladesh (BD)

Global region: Asia (AS)

Latitude: 22.809790

Longitude: 89.564390

Population: 1500689

From wikipedia

Currency in Khulna

Currency name: Taka (BDT)

Currency international code: 50

Other cities in Bangladesh near Khulna with distances and population

Other cities in other countries near Khulna with distances and population