Boma (Congo, The Democratic Republic of the)

Alternative names: BOA, Boma, Bóma, Mboma, bo ma, boma, Бома, ボーマ, 博馬, 보마

Current time in Boma (Congo, The Democratic Republic of the)

2025-03-12 00:51:19

Timezone: Africa/Kinshasa, UTC/GMT +01:00

Local Clock Offset: Besok, -1 Jam

Random location in Boma

Random point in 30 km radius from center of the city

Lokasi pusat kota
Lokasi acak
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap kontributor
Lokasi acak - Lintang: -5.850646560480211Bujur: 13.169792139456987
Buka di Google Street View

General info Boma

Country: Congo, The Democratic Republic of the (CD)

Global region: Africa (AF)

Latitude: -5.850980

Longitude: 13.053640

Population: 162521

From wikipedia

Currency in Boma

Currency name: Congolese Franc (CDF)

Currency international code: 976

Other cities in Congo, The Democratic Republic of the near Boma with distances and population

Other cities in other countries near Boma with distances and population