Hotan (China)

Alternative names: Chotan, Ciudad de Jotan, Ciudad de Jotán, HTN, Hetian, Hetianshi Gujiang Bage Jiedao, Ho-t'ien, Ho-t'ien-chen, Ho-tien-hsien, Ho-t’ien, Ho-t’ien-chen, Hotan, Hotanas, Hoten, Hotən, Khotan, Xotan, Xoten, he tian, he tian shi, he tian shi gu jiang ba ge jie dao, heotyen si, hotan shi, khotana, khtn, Хотан, Хотән, ختن, خوتەن, خوتەن شەھىرى, ख़ोतान, ホータン市, 和田, 和田市, 和田市古江巴格街道, 허톈 시

Current time in Hotan (China)

2025-03-28 16:13:55

Timezone: Asia/Urumqi, UTC/GMT +06:00

Local Clock Offset:

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General info Hotan

Country: China (CN)

Global region: Asia (AS)

Latitude: 37.107500

Longitude: 79.935480

Population: 408894

From wikipedia

Currency in Hotan

Currency name: Yuan Renminbi (CNY)

Currency international code: 156

Other cities in China near Hotan with distances and population