San Antonio de Palé (Equatorial Guinea)

Alternative names: NBN, Pagalu, Pale, Palé, San Antonio, San Antonio de Pale, San Antonio de Palé, San Antonio de Praia, San-Antonio-de-Pale, St Antony, san'antonio・de・pare, san-antoniodepalle, sn ʼntwnyw dh pʼlh, Сан-Антонио-де-Пале, Сан-Антоніо-де-Пале, סן אנטוניו דה פאלה, サンアントニオ・デ・パレ, 산안토니오데팔레

Current time in San Antonio de Palé (Equatorial Guinea)

2025-03-18 20:42:03

Timezone: Africa/Malabo, UTC/GMT +01:00

Local Clock Offset:

Random location in San Antonio de Palé

Random point in 50 km radius from center of the city

General info San Antonio de Palé

Country: Equatorial Guinea (GQ)

Global region: Africa (AF)

Latitude: -1.406800

Longitude: 5.631780

Population: 4433

From wikipedia

Currency in San Antonio de Palé

Currency name: CFA Franc BEAC (XAF)

Currency international code: 950

Other cities in Equatorial Guinea near San Antonio de Palé with distances and population