Mursko Središće (Croatia)

Alternative names: Muraszerdahely, Mursko Sredisce, Mursko Sredishce, Mursko Sredishhe, Mursko Srediŝĉe, Mursko Središće, Mursko-Sredishche, mu er si ke si lei di shen qie, mwrskw srdyshchh, Мурско Средишће, Мурско Средіще, Мурско-Средишче, مورسکو سردیشچه, مورسکۆ سرێدیشچێ, 穆爾斯科斯雷迪什切

Current time in Mursko Središće (Croatia)

2025-03-11 15:14:15

Timezone: Europe/Zagreb, UTC/GMT +01:00

Local Clock Offset:

Random location in Mursko Središće

Random point in 5 km radius from center of the city

General info Mursko Središće

Country: Croatia (HR)

Global region: Europe (EU)

Latitude: 46.512100

Longitude: 16.439380

Population: 3321

Altitude (elevation), in meters 167

From wikipedia

Currency in Mursko Središće

Currency name: Euro (EUR)

Currency international code: 978

Other cities in Croatia near Mursko Središće with distances and population

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