Waterford (Ireland)
Alternative names: Port Lairge, Port Làirge, Port Láirge, Purt Largey, Uoterford, Uoturford, Voterford, Voterfordas, WAT, Waterford, Waterford city, uotafodo, watrfwrd, wo te fu de, woteopeodeu, Вотерфорд, Уотерфорд, Уотърфорд, واترفورد, واٹرفرڈ, უოტერფორდი, ウォーターフォード, 沃特福德, 워터퍼드
Current time in Waterford (Ireland)
2025-03-11 23:35:42
Timezone: Europe/Dublin, UTC/GMT +00:00
Local Clock Offset:
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General info Waterford
Country: Ireland (IE)
Global region: Europe (EU)
Latitude: 52.258330
Longitude: -7.111940
Population: 53504
Currency in Waterford
Currency name: Euro (EUR)
Currency international code: 978