Atsugi (Japan)

Alternative names: Acugi, Atsugi, Atsugicho, Atsugichō, Atsuki, Atugi, Atugi-chhi, Atugi-chhī, NJA, asseugi si, atswghy, atswgy kanagawa, hou mu, hou mu ding, hou mu shi, xa sungi, Атсуги, Ацуги, Ацуґі, آتسوگی، کاناگاوا, أتسوغي, اتسوگی، کاناگاوا, อะสึงิ, 厚木, 厚木市, 厚木町, 아쓰기 시

Current time in Atsugi (Japan)

2025-03-08 04:14:15

Timezone: Asia/Tokyo, UTC/GMT +09:00

Local Clock Offset: Tomorrow, -9 Hours

Random location in Atsugi

Random point in 5 km radius from center of the city

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Random location - Latitude: 35.433269862917435, Longitude: 139.31680916493463
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General info Atsugi

Country: Japan (JP)

Global region: Asia (AS)

Latitude: 35.442720

Longitude: 139.369310

Population: 223960

From wikipedia

Currency in Atsugi

Currency name: Yen (JPY)

Currency international code: 392

Other cities in Japan near Atsugi with distances and population