Ka Laeh (Malaysia)

Current time in Ka Laeh (Malaysia)

2025-03-19 06:36:58

Timezone: Asia/Kuching, UTC/GMT +08:00

Local Clock Offset: Yarın, -8 Saatler

Random location in Ka Laeh

Random point in 5 km radius from center of the city

Şehir merkezinde konum
Rastgele konum
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap katkıda bulunanlar
Rastgele konum - Enlem: 2.686050009295954, Boylam: 114.76385767513136
Google Sokak Görünümünde Aç

General info Ka Laeh

Country: Malaysia (MY)

Global region: Asia (AS)

Latitude: 2.648310

Longitude: 114.771420

Population: 500

Altitude (elevation), in meters 730

Currency in Ka Laeh

Currency name: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Currency international code: 458

Other cities in Malaysia near Ka Laeh with distances and population