Strzelce Opolskie (Poland)

Alternative names: Gross Strehlitz, Gross Strohlitz, Groß Strehlitz, Opoles Stselces, Opolės Stšelcės, Strehlitz, Strzelce, Strzelce Opolskie, Stselce Opolske, Stshel'ce-Opol's'ki, Stshel'ce-Opol'ske, Stshelce Opolske, Stshelce Opolskje, Stšelce Opolske, Uopolske Strzelce, si qie er cai ao bo lai si ji, Стшелце Ополске, Стшелце Ополскје, Стшельце-Опольске, Стшельце-Опольські, ซตแชลต์แซออปอลสกีแย, 斯切爾采奧波萊斯基

Current time in Strzelce Opolskie (Poland)

2025-03-17 21:33:29

Timezone: Europe/Warsaw, UTC/GMT +01:00

Local Clock Offset:

Random location in Strzelce Opolskie

Random point in 3 km radius from center of the city

General info Strzelce Opolskie

Country: Poland (PL)

Global region: Europe (EU)

Latitude: 50.510700

Longitude: 18.300560

Population: 20241

From wikipedia

Currency in Strzelce Opolskie

Currency name: Zloty (PLN)

Currency international code: 985

Other cities in Poland near Strzelce Opolskie with distances and population

Other cities in other countries near Strzelce Opolskie with distances and population