Birobidzhan (Russian Federation)

Alternative names: Birabidzhan, Birobican, Birobidjan, Birobidschan, Birobidshansk, Birobidzan, Birobidzana, Birobidzanas, Birobidzhan, Birobidzhán, Birobidzjan, Birobidzsan, Birobidżan, Birobidžan, Birobidžana, Birobidžanas, Birobigano, Birobijan, Birobiĝano, Bîrobîcan, Tikhon'kaya Stantsiya, Tikhon’kaya Stantsiya, Tikhou'kaya Stantsiya, Tikhou’kaya Stantsiya, bi luo bi zhan, bilobijan, birobijan, byrwbygn, byrwbyjan, Биробиджан, Биробиџан, Бірабіджан, Біробіджан, ביראבידזשאן, בירוביגן, بيروبيجان, بیروبیجان, ビロビジャン, 比罗比詹, 비로비잔

Current time in Birobidzhan (Russian Federation)

2025-03-12 08:13:55

Timezone: Asia/Vladivostok, UTC/GMT +10:00

Local Clock Offset:

Random location in Birobidzhan

Random point in 50 km radius from center of the city

General info Birobidzhan

Country: Russian Federation (RU)

Global region: Europe (EU)

Latitude: 48.792840

Longitude: 132.923860

Population: 73623

From wikipedia

Currency in Birobidzhan

Currency name: Russian Ruble (RUB)

Currency international code: 643

Other cities in Russian Federation near Birobidzhan with distances and population

Other cities in other countries near Birobidzhan with distances and population