Elazığ (Turkey)

Alternative names: EZS, Ehljazyg, Elazig, Elazii, Elaziz, Elaziğ, Elazığ, Elazıı, Eleziz, Elezîz, Eliazihas, Eljazg, Eljazig, Elâzız, Elâzığ, Mezreh, Xarberd, ai la ze, alazygh, aylazgh, elajiga, elazighi, ellaji, erazu, mʿmwrt alʿzyz, Елазиг, Елязиг, Елязъг, Элязыг, Խարբերդ, الازیغ, ایلازغ, خارپێت, معمورة العزيز, ਏਲਾਜਿਗ, ელაზიღი, エラズー, 埃拉泽, 엘라지

Current time in Elazığ (Turkey)

2025-03-03 14:06:06

Timezone: Europe/Istanbul, UTC/GMT +03:00

Local Clock Offset: 明天, -3 小时数

Random location in Elazığ

Random point in 10 km radius from center of the city

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap 贡献者
随机位置 - 纬度: 38.70588823348657经度 39.23648174840767

General info Elazığ

Country: Turkey (TR)

Global region: Asia (AS)

Latitude: 38.674310

Longitude: 39.223210

Population: 443363

From wikipedia

Currency in Elazığ

Currency name: Turkish Lira (TRY)

Currency international code: 949

Other cities in Turkey near Elazığ with distances and population

Other cities in other countries near Elazığ with distances and population