Hedaru (Tanzania, United Republic of)

Current time in Hedaru (Tanzania, United Republic of)

2025-03-10 16:30:23

Timezone: Africa/Dar_es_Salaam, UTC/GMT +03:00

Local Clock Offset: Yarın, -3 Saatler

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Rastgele konum
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Rastgele konum - Enlem: -4.525403884873842, Boylam: 38.006120547695666
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General info Hedaru

Country: Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ)

Global region: Africa (AF)

Latitude: -4.500000

Longitude: 37.900000

Population: 20231

Currency in Hedaru

Currency name: Tanzanian Shilling (TZS)

Currency international code: 834

Other cities in Tanzania, United Republic of near Hedaru with distances and population

Other cities in other countries near Hedaru with distances and population