Hanoi (Viet Nam)

Alternative names: Anoi, Anoy, Anòy, HAN, Ha Noi, Ha Nui, Hanoi, Hanoj, Hanoja, Hanojo, Hanojus, Hanoy, Hanoí, Hanoï, Hanòi, Hanói, Ho-nui-su, Hà Nội, Hò-nui-sṳ, Keicho, Khanoj, hano'i, hanoi, hanoy, hanwy, hanxy, he nei, he nei shi, hyanaya, khanwy, Ανόι, Ханой, Ханој, Հանոյ, האנוי, خانوي, هانوى, هانوي, هانوی, ھانۆی, ہنوئی, हनोई, হ্যানয়, ਹਨੋਈ, ହାନୋଇ, ஹனோய், ಹಾನೊಯ್, හැනෝයි, ฮานอย, ཧེ་ནོ།, ဟနွိုင်းမြို့, ჰანოი, ሀኖይ, ទីក្រុងហានូយ, Ḥanoi, ハノイ, 河內, 河內市, 하노이

Current time in Hanoi (Viet Nam)

2025-03-19 00:12:53

Timezone: Asia/Bangkok, UTC/GMT +07:00

Local Clock Offset: Tomorrow, -7 Hours

Random location in Hanoi

Random point in 1 km radius from center of the city

City center location
Random location
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Random location - Latitude: 21.016840114351357, Longitude: 105.85051799122444
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General info Hanoi

Country: Viet Nam (VN)

Global region: Asia (AS)

Latitude: 21.024500

Longitude: 105.841170

Population: 8053663

From wikipedia

Currency in Hanoi

Currency name: Dong (VND)

Currency international code: 704

Other cities in Viet Nam near Hanoi with distances and population

Other cities in other countries near Hanoi with distances and population